Wilderness Information Management Steering Team September Webinars
h.macslarrow - August 21, 2019
The Wilderness Information Management Steering Team is pleased to announce they will be hosting the next in a series of short training webinars for the Wilderness Stewardship Performance (WSP) elements. The next webinar will cover two WSP elements, Plants and Recreation Sites.
All webinars are recorded and posted on the Wilderness Stewardship Performance SharePoint site, so live attendance is not be required. The recordings are also posted on Wilderness Connect to allow our partners, who assist us with wilderness stewardship, an opportunity to receive the training as well. Partners are also more than welcome to attend the live webinar.
All webinars follow the same format. The webinars consist of a short introduction about WSP, followed by the element subject matter expert going through the element scoring, providing specifics and examples of required deliverables associated with the element, and a description of required documentation for scoring. The webinars will finish with information on where to find support resources for the element being discussed.
The Plants webinar is scheduled for Thursday September 26th at 10:00am Alaska, 11:00am PT, 12:00pm MT, 1:00pm CT, 2:00pm ET and we are fortunate to have William Carromero, National Botanist, as our presenter.
The Recreation Sites webinar is scheduled for Thursday September 26th at 11:00am Alaska, 12:00pm PT, 1:00pm MT, 2:00pm CT, 3:00pm ET and will be presented by Kevin Cannon from the Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests/R2 Wilderness Information Management Steering Team representative.
The participant link for WebEx is below as well as the call in information.
WSP Plants Webinar
Thursday, September 26, 2019
2:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Meeting Number: 969 710 086
WSP Recreation Sites Webinar
Thursday, September 26, 2019
3:00 pm Eastern Standard Time
Meeting Number: 969 710 086
Join By Phone
Important login info:
Use the call-in number on the invite instead of your computer mike
The meeting room will be open 15 min early. Please join early
WebEx is not installed on FS computers. You will need to select the temporary application option to join. To do this:
Click on Join
Cancel out of login box
When “having trouble joining?” appears, click on “Go Here”
Click on “Run a temporary application”
The Wilderness Information Management Steering Team (WIMST) consists of representatives from each region of the Forest Service. The purpose of WIMST is to promote quality wilderness stewardship at all levels of the organization through effective and efficient use of information and data. The ultimate goal of the team is to ensure those responsible for making decisions related to wilderness stewardship have sufficient information or have the ability to collect sufficient information to make informed decisions related to wilderness stewardship. WIMST is also responsible for making sure the public has the information needed to enjoy and appreciate the full benefits of wilderness.